Tuesday, August 4, 2009

We are in New York!! We crossed the border today from Ohio into Pennsylvannia and then from Pennsylvannia into New York.

Chris Alder is a pain in the shoulder!! He is putting on extra weight because he isn't exercising.

The big event of the day was the final 1400 foot hill we had to climb to make it to Camp Merz on Chautaugua Lake. The boys did a great job making it up the hill!! Mr. Alder was the first one up, I think he slept all the way up (in the sag wagon).

Everyone is doing great!! They are expecting thunderstorms tonight so we were not able to go repelling.

The Gagnons stopped by to see us today. They are heading to family in Buffalo. They brought cookies:) Thanks!!

Last night the scouts played a new game (Sideline Ball) with Troop 34 in Conneaut, Ohio. They also learned how to play Ambush which Mr. Price would be very good at!! Troop 34 will celebrate their 100 year anniversery in 2010. They were a great troop and have a lot going for them. They have a terrific church and feed us yesterday when we came in.

The camp we are at tonight has also invited us to their dinning hall. The boys are getting spoiled (only setup tents twice so far) and we have had several meals cooked for us.

A shout out to Mirt from Chris at Camp Merz!!

Also, A shout out to Darlene from Brian, Happy 20th Anniversary!!

Unfortunately, we will miss Mrs. Vensel. She had to leave the trip today because of a family issue. We will keep her in our prayers.

Have to run for dinner, talk to you later.

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