Monday, August 3, 2009

Unfortunately, we had an accident yesterday with one of the bikes. Mr. Alder will no longer be jumping man hole covers. Yes, our 50 year old child was trying to jump man hole covers with his bike. The bike came down, the front wheel twisted and he decided to become personnal friends with the road. He broke his collar bone. We spent last night at the hospital making sure there was nothing more serious.

Mr. Alder is done riding bikes but he will continue with us to Niagara Falls. We will drop him off in hotels at night. He will heel and we will talk to all the scouts today about safety. We inspected Chris's helmet and he did hit his head. The helmet took a blow to one side. Because he had his helmet on, he has no other injuries.

Outside of our bike accident yesterday was a great day. We only rode 25 miles. We spent most of the day at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Mark's aunt and uncle (Aunt Barb and Uncle Randy) stopped to see us in Cleveland. We had a 7 mile ride into the city, we rode by the Indians Stadium, Basketball Stadium (where the greatest player of all time plays - Lebron James), Federal Reserve Bank, Browns Stadium, Free Stamp, and other Cleveland attractions. We meet at a park next to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and had our Scout's own church service. The scouts did a great job.

We also did Roses, Buds, and Thorns. This is a tool to have the boys talk about what they liked (Roses), what they did not like (Thorns), and what they are looking forward to (Buds).

The Hall of Fame was great!! Ron Volk and I would have been willing to stay longer, but the scouts wanted to leave. We had a 18 mile ride to Eastlake, Ohio. The roads were clear on a Sunday and made it for easy riding if you avoid the man hole covers. It was along this ride that Mr. Alder had his accident.

We stayed at the Reformation Lutheran Church in tents in their backyard. There is a family restaurant right door where we all ate dinner. Once the tents were setup everyone went to bed.

Joe Guevara wants everyone to know he is going raw today (no underwear). I don't know why he wants everyone to know that. Bike shorts are made to not wear underwear.

I need to run over to pick up Mr. Alder, so I will post again tonight.


  1. We are sorry to hear about any incident, especially one with a broken bone. Mr. Alder is a tough guy and he should make it through this.

    I do like Cleveland - I was hoping they would go further in the NBA playoffs last year - but there was a certain Michael Jordan you may have forgotten about who may be wearing a few more championship rings than the best current player, LeBron James.

    Thanks to Barb and Randy for coming out to say hi!


    Keep safe everyone!

  2. oh, boy, Mr. Alder...sorry to hear you got hurt. Thank goodness for the helmet!

    I just wanted to say thanks for doing this blog, Mr. Kilmer. It's been great to be able to read of the boys' adventures (and misadventures <-- Mr. Alder!) every day.

    Ride safe all!
    Deb Hegg

  3. When we are riding a bicycle or motor cycle, it's advisable to control speed even in safer place. If not so, you will have bitter experiences in your picnic
