Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A couple things I left out:

Andy Hegg fell off his bike today. I don't know exactly what happened. He just fell. After falling he looked up and said "I got dirty". He was fine and the bike was fine. He didn't hit anything, he just fell off his bike.

Brian Alder stopped the entire troop to look at sports cars. There were a couple for sale that we stopped to look at. Before we left, the chase vehicle was there and another crew to look at the car.

Jake Kish "I hate hills"

We say 4 wild turkeys today. We rode by Lake Erie for most of the day. The views were great!!

8 of the scouts/adults made it up the 1400 foot hill without stopping.

The scouts are watching movies and playing games since we had a late day thunderstorm. Unfortunately the rappelling and skiing were cancelled.

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