Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Two flat tires, one broken deraileur, one crash involving 3 scouts and we are now in Buffalo, New York. Jack Kish and Brian Alder had flat tires. Mr. Kilmer had a broken deraileur and is now riding the spare bike. The crash involved Mark Kennedy, Dan Herrera and Andrew Guevara. They are all now members of the skinned knee club. All of them are fine. Mark and Dan got too close and locked handlebars. They went down and took Andrew with them.

Last night the staff at Camp Merz ended up taking the scouts out tubing. The thunderstorm passed quickly allowing us to have some fun. We also watched movies (Pirates of the Caribbean) and played board games (Josh played Risk). The Camp was great!! They had dessert for us (brownies) and milk:). We slept great and let the scouts sleep in an hour to 6am.

The ride down the big hill was completely uneventful. Everyone made it down safely. The scouts were getting tired today. You could tell everyone has slowed down slightly.

The Naval Park is awesome!! The boys and adults are looking forward to sleeping on the ship. We are currently cooking dinner. We have the run of the ship tonight. They will show us movies and there is a flight simulator that all the scouts have had an opportunity to try out.

They have another fundraising party on the ship. As soon as they heard about us, they invited us to join them. Unfortunately they are drinking alcohol, so we declined.

Brian Alder “The hill was a slow hill.”

Michael Glass “The hill was disappointing. It was more fun going up.”

Shout out to the wives, we have the no shave rule in effect. Mr. Volk is starting to get wooly.

Getting the boys up in the morning is getting more difficult. Another sign they are getting tired.

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