Monday, August 3, 2009

It’s Monday night and we are in Conneaut, Ohio with Troop 34. Troop 34 is wonderful!! They made us a huge dinner when we arrived consisting of Spaghetti, Salad, Deviled Eggs, Fresh Fruit Salad, Italian Bread, Olives, Cake (4 types), Lemonade, and Potato Salad.

I forgot to mention last night that the two ladies (Mrs. Crown and Mrs. Haas) were locked in the laundry mat!! They made an agreement with the scouts that they will wash their clothes if the scouts detail Mrs. Crown car when they return to Geneva. Well, come to find out the laundry mat doors automatically lock at 9:00 pm. The doors lock so you cannot get in or get out. Mr. Volk came to their rescue by getting the back door open so they could get out. I do not know what Mr. Volk did, or if it was related to a previous life.
Another incident included Mr. Guevara while he attempted to take his shower in the outside shower stall. Someone apparently put toilet paper inside the nozzle which caused difficulties. In a desperate attempt to undo the shower head, he used his soiled underwear. Within seconds, the hose was like a fire hose spraying all over the place. To make matters worse, there was no one available to turn off the spicket which forced him to go across the parking lot half-naked!

This morning we had a late start. We slept in tents last night and it took the scouts a while to pack everything up, eat breakfast and be ready to leave. It took 3 hours. Unfortunately, their activity for today was to hang out at the beach for the afternoon. Because of the time we arrived, we were not able to go to the beach.

The church here is wonderful!! It is a gorgeous 100 year old church made out of sandstone and marble. It is huge!! The boy scouts have two rooms dedicated to them and a basketball court in the church. The scouts played basketball and some took naps.

Our plan tomorrow is for everyone to get up at 5:00am and get out as soon as possible. The activity tomorrow night is rappelling in a gorge (once we climb up an 8 mile incline on our bikes… joy to the world [this uplifting message brought to you by Aaron Volk]).

Dan Herrera: “I would like to say hello to my family and the newest member of my family, Lilly. And I hope that the human addition to my family comes soon. I love you Mom and Dad. I promise I will be careful coming down the steep hill.”

Andy Hegg: “I love to rub Mr. Guevara’s beard.”

Andrew Guevara: “The weeks are going by so fast, I can’t believe it’s already the 10th day! Hi to all my friends and family!”

Aaron Volk: “Mom, I don’t promise that I won’t be careful coming down the steep hill. I miss all you guys and look forward to coming home!”

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