Saturday, August 1, 2009

I updated the blog from the other day. The gentleman we meet was Pickle Bob and not Cucumber Bob. He was a local pickle farmer and loved to talk about how corn and pickles are harvested.

Sorry I didn't blog last night, I was at Cedar Point all day with several scouts on the rollercoasters. We had a great time!! We setup rides back and forth from camp to Cedar Point so the scouts had 3-4 times to go back and forth. Several scouts stayed all day.

Send more cookies!!! Mr. Shultz, Mr. Hegg (and daughter and friend), and the Herrera family joined us for the day at the park. Mr. Shultz brought Bannana Bread and Homemade cookies. Thanks Mary!!! The cookies are gone and the bannana bread will be gone this morning for breakfast.

The top three rides were Dragster, Millenium, and Maverick. Mean Streak was a great ride to combine your internal organs. It crews you up and spits you out like a bad piece of gum.

Several people throught the light show at the end of the day was lame, but all in all it was a great day off from riding. This morning we let the scouts sleep in again. They are now up packing. There really isn't much to do in Lakewood, so we wanted them to sleep in.

Some quotes about the last couple of days...

Alex Sparacio "Keep on rocking me baby!!"

Blake Heslop "Awesome!!"

Brian Alder "Top Five to everyone on the Top Thrill Dragster Line. Got two numbers."

1 comment:

  1. Hey Troop 37!!!

    You are welcome for the cookies and banana bread. I have made zucchini bread fresh from the z's in the garden since you've been gone and will have them for you on your return to G! Love you guys and have fun in Cleve-burg. My family will surprise you. They are fun.
