Sunday, July 26, 2009

Another day down and lots more to go. Everyone did great today, no one was hurt. Mrs. Vensel is feeling much better. Let's start with one item I forgot about yesterday. Troop 264 had two reports show up from the local papers. They had a great write-up in this mornings paper about us. The other paper write-up will be in a couple of days.

This morning the town of Griffith gave us another police escort out of town. You could read this good or bad:) We had 3 of the members of Troop 264 ride with us today. One rode with Ron and Deb's crew and the other two rode with Chris and Ro's crew. We rode a total of 57 miles today and averaged about 15 miles an hour.

The first half of the trip was hilly. Very hilly. We kept going up and down and my name was used in vein many times. Mrs. Vensel had a few choice words for me. We took a break in Westville and then continued onto Fish Lake, IN. The groups arrived into Fish Lake between 11:30 and 1:30. The groups are pretty good groups, we were evenly spaced about 1 hour a part.

We passed a Nike Missile silo location from the cold war. One group saw several fighter jets. Once we arrived at Fish Lake, the scouts checked on their bikes (whipped them down and made sure nothing was broken). Unfortunately, one scout had a broken gear changer, so he is borrowing the spare bike from the trailer so his can get fixed tomorrow.

The adults challenged the scouts to a 16" softball game this afternoon. The adults won 13-12. I don't want to hear any more comments about old men and AARP cards. We had 5 adults against 10 high school age boys. We did great!! The first home run Ron Volk hit was painful. He made us actually run several bases!! I was surprised we were able to play after the bike riding, but I can tell we are all ready for bed early tonight. We have another 59 mile day tomorrow.

The scouts are doing great!! They are currently cooking us dinner which I will eat when I finish this blog and then we will settle down with some cards and bed.

The site we are staying at is terrific, we are out at the point of land in the lake. Several of us were brave enough to go swimming in the lake. We also setup the portable shower and most everyone was able to take showers. The water was cold, but refreshing.

One of these days I will get the opportunity to post some pictures. Currently I am using Jake Kish's friend Ron's computer to quickly create this post.

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