Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Today's ride was long!! We are now in Gibsonburg, Ohio after riding 85 miles (depending on whose bike computer you ask). Two of the crews missed a turn and rode as extra 2 miles (it's great exercise:).

Troop 1222 in Ligonier was great last night!! Everyone really enjoyed the pond to go swimming after a 60 mile ride. Thanks Troop 1222!!!

Eveyone made it to bed early last night (9:00pm) and we woke up a 5am. The scouts were actually ready early. We had fog so we had to wait until the fog lifted before we could start our ride. We left at 6:40am. Today's ride was nice and flat which allowed us to make the 80 to 85 miles without any issues. All 3 crews arrived within 20 minutes of each other at the scout reservation. We made it around 1:30.

Our midway point was at Bethany Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, Ohio. The pastor there came out to greet us and was great!! Thanks for using your picnic tables, bathrooms, water and swings!! Bethany Baptist was nice enough to donate to ADA and led us in prayer for a safe journey before we left.

The camp is being used for a Cub Scout day camp until 4:00pm and then the camp is all ours. We have taken over a pole barn so the scouts could avoid setting up tents. All the scouts worked on their bikes when we first arrived (cleaning and making sure everything is working). A thunderstorm rolled in, so we quickly put the bikes under a tarp and took cover.

Once the storm cleared, everyone played volleyball and now are lined up to take showers. The camp is cooking dinner for us. We also need to review tomorrow's route tonight so all the navigators know where to go.

Tomorrow is a short ride of 42 miles to Cedar Point. Therefore, we will sleep in 1.5 hours (until 6:30am EST). Tomorrow's activities include a swimming pool, softball rematch, and hot showers.

I have quotes from most of the scouts that I will post tomorrow as soon as I can.

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