Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This post will have to be quick. I am in the laundry mat and they are almost done. The ride today was difficult. We had more hills and the fourth day was wearing on everyone. Tomorrow is the long ride (75 miles). We had some rain during the ride but everyone rode through it without much issue.

Troop 1222 is another great location. We are staying at the Committee Chair's house. He has a pond in the back yard with rafts, pier, sand beach, .... All the boys are currently back at the house swimming and horse playing.

We had to bikes we needed to get fixed and laundry to do. Tonight was laundry day. Both bikes are now fixed and the laundry is almost done. The local newspaper is coming out to interview the scouts later this evening.

The boys have grouped together and voted on buying KFC for dinner tonight. Since all the crews want KFC, we have given in and are ordering several buckets. Troop 1222 Scoutmaster and scouts will be over later tonight to play games. Unfortunately, it looks like some storms are coming in, so we may be stuck in the pole barn. We'll see how the night plays out.

This morning was difficult waking up. We changed time zones, so this morning we woke everyone up at 5am EST (4am CST) to start the bike ride. We left around 6:50 and make it in between 12:20 and 2:00. We also crossed the border into Ohio today.

Since the scouts can't read this until they return, I'll tell all of you a secret that you have to keep to yourself. Ohio isn't any flater than Indiana. We will have hills here too.

Ceci, your mother says HI and Love you!!

I think I figured out pictures, so we'll see if it works.


  1. Congrats on getting so far! Keep up the great work!

  2. We are so proud of you guys! Almost everyone we know is so excited to hear about the trip and have been happy to know about the blog! Keep riding and we'll keep reading!

  3. Thank you for keeping us up to date. I look forward to reading this everyday when I get home. My God be with you all.

    Mirta Alder

  4. Hi Chris, Brian and troops! This is an awesome thing you're doing! So proud of you! We love you.

    Santiago Family

  5. A big hello to Michael Glass from his Great Aunt Kris in Orlando! We are so proud of you!

  6. Wheezie says: Ohio is so much better than Indiana, though. The Appalacians start at the edge of Cleveland (ask Mrs. Shultz because it is about at the point she grew up!) Roll on guys! We're all cheering you on to the falls!

  7. David Lamore - Troop 1222July 29, 2009 at 5:07 PM

    Great bunch of young men. It was nice to be able to help them on the journey.

    The group made front page news in Bryan Ohio. The paper made a good pitch for the Juvanile Diabetes Foundation.
